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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Costco Bad Meat

Last week I bought a case of lamb rack from Costco.  We've done this before, we freeze it and it lasts 6 months.  It was great for the summer.  Nothing better for the bbq.

This case had some spilled blood on the bottom, and slight odour.  No problem I thought, a small leak and the racks are packed in double plastic.  I froze them all.

Today I thawed 2 racks.  OMG!!! Heaven Help My Nose!  This makes the third time I've experienced bad meat.  I now have the most powerful deodorizers working.  As bad as when the dog was skunked.  I phoned them, and I would think Costco would be a bit more sensitive to bad meat.  I can't believe I have the only case, and I've got to bring in all the rest of the racks tomorrow.  A case costs $266.

My nose is still burning, and I hope I can eat dinner.  Really, I should get a free Advent calendar or something.  :)  Pooey on you, Costco!

ps. I'm taking it back today.  Frozen, you can still smell it.  Although I'll warn them, I hope they let it thaw.  :)

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