Background Site

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

M2.5 earthquake New Madrid Zone

Ok, this is an insignificant earthquake, but I want to show how small the circles are, and what a nice pattern it makes.

Now, the Texas, OK, and Col earthquakes are only giant blocks.

This is because there is no decent seismic monitoring in the area (at least not mapped).  Thus, only the large earthquakes are shown.  You can't see if a pattern is developing.  For NM, it would be significant if the central thrust zone extended to Dyersburg.  That would be as exciting as not finding the Higgs!  For TexyOk, the M's 1 and 2 might define what the injection is actually doing, and we'll never know that.

But these people have all those storms, and a little earthquake is nothing.  They'll keep injecting and maybe somebody intelligent might come and monitor it.

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