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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Long nuclear seismic safety article says nothing


Concerns about seismic risks around the world began mounting back in 2007, after a magnitude 6.6 earthquake struck close to another major Japanese nuclear complex, unleashing ground shaking greater than the plant was designed to handle. The quake set off flooding and a fire that the local fire department had to extinguish, but didn't cause any radioactive release. Several reactors still were shut down when the giant quake struck off Japan's coast in March.
The 2007 event "was a big wakeup call," said Antonio Godoy, who at the time headed the International Atomic Energy Agency's seismic safety center. "It was clear there was an underestimation of the risk." He said around the world there was a "wave of interest" in re-evaluating the seismic risk to nuclear plants.

Read this article quickly because there is a chance they'll yank it.  They always think that people will pay money for these things.  Where's my money?  :)

In summary, there is some unease that seismic risk has been underestimated for US plants.  Thank goodness this feeling doesn't cross the smug border!  :)   But really, they still talk about PGA, and 30 year old seismic analysis techniques.  The USNRC wants to go full steam ahead and issue new rules.  What physics are they using here?

So, it's the same old.  Maybe they can upgrade their pitiful seismic monitoring, but I doubt it.

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