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Monday, April 11, 2011

Geology - Japanese Run on Sturdy Tables


Susan Hough, a USGS geologist who has written extensively on the subject of earthquake predictions, sounded a skeptical note when asked about the increased risk of a big quake: “Big earthquakes don’t cascade like dominoes, bang bang bang. At least not commonly. So I think the maps showing bright red bull’s eyes of increased stress may be more alarming than they should be.”
After the March 11 quake, Stein prepared a letter, authorized by his superiors, that offered basic advice to American officials in Japan: Carry a whistle, water, power bars, a first-aid kit, flashlight and batteries, work gloves and a trowel for digging people out of debris. Look around for objects that might become lethal missiles in an earthquake. And identify the sturdiest table in the room — and be ready to dive under it when the next big one hits.

It's true, you never see an immediate 'zippering' of adjacent faults.  Even the most 'zipperish' fault in Turkey separates the events by decades.  So, it really is an open horse race on which world city will get hammered by the next big earthquake.  Could be Toronto????

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