Background Site

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Arkansas Earthquake Swarm Starts to Tail Off

That's a joke!  Actually, I just didn't get in today's report.  After all this time, they still can't plot the injection wells, or the time histories of injection.  Sheesh!  I think China does a better job....

Also top secret is what the heck they are injecting.  I know they use a toxic witch's brew of chemicals, and I can't see if it makes any difference.  But what we have here is a classic little New Madrid baby starting to grow up.  Note the long tail going parallel to the NM tails, with the cross-cutting thrust section.  If they could get fault-plane solutions (beachballs), we would see an exact baby New Madrid.

If I were guessing the injection point, it would be at the vertex of the 'checkmark'.  Happy earthquakes, people!

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I didn't realize my big pun, until after I published. These things just pop out of me...
