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Monday, February 28, 2011

Arkansas Earthquake Patent Dispute

Dear Arkansas, Yesterday you got an M4.7, and you can be expecting the twin brother soon.  As you must be aware, I have been pushing this recipe for earthquakes for a long time.  I have owned the 'stress corrosion, thrust-wing fault mechanism' for as long as I can remember, which is a good few days now.

This is as good a patent as most software trolls, so I demand 10% of all your 'Earthquake Tourism' revenues!  Although I appreciate that you have proven me totally right, over all those other clue-losers, this does not bring in the bacon.  Since you have very mucky soils, and are well on your way to copying Christchurch, please do not house the tourists in brick houses, or soft-story high-rises.  I recommend tents.

Keep on with that injection, and I look forward to our successful negotiations.  If not ......   SEE YOU IN EAST TEXAS!!


  1. Obviously, you do not follow stupid software patent disputes. If you take on Google for a vague patent of 'seeing pictures on a computer', you can win in east Texas. This happens all the time, and I am confident of a victory! :)

  2. I imagine a 6.3 would cause some loss of life in Arkansas. It's disturbing that you can't wait to say " I told you so " to the confused citizens who accidentally turn up here if what you so fervently hope for actually happens.

    You're a twisted person.

  3. Do I look happy? I'm a serious depressive! There is general ignorance, like Haiti, which is a tragedy. And then there's willful ignorance, like Toronto, and some of those other rich places. They could stop the injection today, and all the earthquakes would stop. But since they don't know there's injection, then someone could just say they stopped, and the earthquakes keep growing. I consider that a possibility.

    For willful ignorance, I consider these people candidates for the Earthquake Darwin Awards, and hold nothing back. :)

  4. The 4.7 seems to be on the northern wing, so it should have been strike-slip. That means we should see a couple of more 4.5's on the thrust to ratchet up to an M5 on the wing.
