Background Site

Monday, November 29, 2010

Ontario Varsity Water Polo - OUA Allstars

Yeah the girls!  Wish I could list everybody's name, but maybe that's an invasion of privacy!  (Hint: daughter on right)


  1. Can't be yours - she's cute
    de noisy wires - shake house

  2. Oh please, you are waaaayy too old to think of these things. Have your wine and relax. :) (like I do)

  3. Thanks for the sage advice.
    I've got some seismic microphones!
    Do you have any names from over the fence in Electricity Uno?
    The lines guys that come are useless at this.

  4. Monitor the hum with the seismometer, and pay money to have your lines to the house loosened, or even a loop put in. Don't be so cheap!

  5. They don't even get the problem.
    I agree that a nearby pole with a generous unstressed length of cable ,)short loop, will take the tension off, and thereby not provide a path for the vibrations, but loosening the the line, by lengthening it a foot or so won't reduce the tension enuf to attenuate the vibrations, (my belief), so I hesitate to pay for a fix that is not of my doing. Of course, the clear solution is an underground connection. How much would you cough up to fix their problem? I would go a couple of hundred or so. So, you don't have a name of anyone over the fence?

  6. I'm still waiting for more blog!
    Hope ur OK...
