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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Summary July 4, 2010

-very, very hot. cottage is great! Can actually swim this year, the water was too cold the past 2 summers. Went sailboarding.

-middle son had brought up his drunken buddies a few weeks ago, and left all this really cheap 'buck-a-beer' crap, so I have been taste-testing it! Bohemian - nice start, total water finish, but clean. Old Milwaukee - good start, but is really cloying on the tongue -- I dumped half the bottle, and went back to Corona to recover my tongue! Next time, I try more! But really, they should just add alcohol to water!

- I can't see anything in the earthquake biz - probably the best for the summer.

-dog and I caught a lot of fish at the dock. we catch rock bass, which are invasive. I toss it on the dock, and Cindy catches them in mid-air, when they flop. she then carries them up on the rock to dry. Today, the girls saw a baby mink with one of the dried fish in her mouth, really cute! Cindy did too much when she came up to help us pick blueberries, and could hardly move today. She's really getting old! (10!)

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