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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Stupid Particular People Who Live on a Southern European Peninsula

THIS IS NOT AN INSULT TO EVERY ITALIAN THAT EVER LIVED! Even though I don't like their soccer team. :)

This is just an insult to the crazy Italians that are charging earthquake scientists with failure to predict an earthquake! This is an actual criminal charge! It's as stupid as the Swiss bringing criminal charges against a geologist for causing an earthquake. They dropped that soon enough when the world started to laugh at them. Unfortunately, I don't think these Italians are that smart.

Dear SSA Members,

Many of you have perhaps already learned of this situation and received a request of sign-on support from Earth science colleagues in Italy or elsewhere.

SSA leaders regard this issue as important to both the Italian and international seismological communities, and ask that you kindly consider the request and read the open letter at


Rick Aster
Seismological Society of America President

Begin forwarded message:

From: Alberto Michelini
Date: June 14, 2010 3:41:48 PM PDT
Subject: Letter of support for Italian earthquake scientists indicted for failing to predict the L'Aquila Earthquake

Dear colleagues and friends,

Two weeks ago the L’Aquila Prosecutor’s office indicted of manslaughter the members of the National High Risk Committee that met in L'Aquila one week before the Mw6.3 earthquake.
The charges are for failing to provide a short term alarm to the population before the earthquake struck, killing more than 300 people.
The president of INGV, Enzo Boschi (member of the High Risk Committee), and the director of the National Earthquake Center, Giulio Selvaggi (just accompanying Boschi to the meeting as technical specialist), are among the scientists in seismology and earthquake engineering now under investigation together with some civil protection officials.

We think that the allegations against the scientists are completely unfounded and we look for support on this from the international scientific community working on earthquakes and in the Earth sciences in general.

We invite you to sign the letter addressed to the President of the Italian Republic, published at the the web page . We also would be glad if you could extend this invitation to other seismologists that can possibly share our initiative.

We hope that by this action we can increase the awareness of people on earthquake risk reduction through education, preparedness, and a long term program of building reinforcement.

Thank you in advance for your support

Daniela Pantosti
Alberto Michelini
Alessandro Amato
Massimo Cocco
Ingrid Hunstad
Warner Marzocchi
Claudio Chiarabba
Massimiliano Stucchi

Alberto Michelini
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
Centro Nazionale Terremoti
Via di Vigna Murata, 605
00143 ROMA, Italy
Ph. +39 06 51860611, e-mail:

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