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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Linear Accelerator in Seismic Zone


You've got to love hot seismic zones! That's where all the intellectual excitement is, and they love to install nuclear research reactors! Wow, I would love to see what this baby will do when it's slammed by an earthquake, all juiced up! Of course, I wouldn't want to be close! As well, this will provide good measurements for those 'nanoquakes' that seem to affect linear accelerators. I don't think the rock is very stable there.

Call me old-fashioned, but I want stable rock for these things. But stable rock is always under horribly boring farming communities, full of anti-technology Luddites. Oh well.............


  1. Seak of the devil mild tremor felt throughout Ontario 1 43 pm ish

  2. Yeah! Wife felt it in the house. I was outside and it didn't spill my beer.

  3. ha just felt that tremor, Toronto
