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Monday, September 7, 2009

A Weekend to Remember

Ok, here was the scene as it was laid out to me. I had to get the baby girl off to McMaster residence (first year), but first we all had to get to my niece's wedding in Boston on Sunday night!

There were 5 of us, which is a real awkward number to travel with. I looked at the airfare for 5 from Toronto, and nearly died! Then I looked at driving to Buffalo, and taking Jetbloo. Toronto - $800 return vs. Buffies - $150 return. So I took that option.

5 is awkward for taxis and hotel rooms, but we got a nice suite that holds 5, right near MIT! It was a great flight with real legroom, which you don't get with a certain big red airline.

Boston is really neat, so many tunnels now! I was looking for falling concrete in the tunnels, but didn't see any. Oh! Did I mention that on the way down I finally went through the Thorold Tunnel, which has an infamous history, and started our massive work on rock squeeze. Which was all ignored for the latest Niagara Tunnel.

So, this wedding was located in the New England Aquarium, which was fantastic! I could down my double Scotch, while staring down penguins! We had our own private time there. They had a big tent for dinner and dancing, and a live band! A fancy wedding, right out of the movies!

So, on the way back we dumped the daughter, and I'm sure she's glad to see us go!

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