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Friday, April 4, 2008

I'm not reading the Bruce documents

I've decided not to get sucked up into the wild world of env ass documents. It's a trap to get drawn into their world. A world where all the Canadian top scientists have to do paid contracts to keep afloat. A world where everything is guided and controlled. I know, I used to write for this.

I am sure that some brave soul will pick up the giant stack of paper and attempt to make a go of it. But can you contest the report of a consultant who has been paid millions? Can you go against the top lawyers in the country who will shred you, on what you said in 1991? Can you go against an effort that cost more than what Obama spends in a week?

Yes kiddies, now it gets dangerous. I might just attend a hearing, just to see how fast I fall asleep, but if it's all up at the Bruce, it's too far!

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