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Friday, October 12, 2007

Engineering director ignorant at Besse

He was shocked, shocked, when he finally saw the pictures of the reactor head. How could such a thing happen under his watch?

This trial is getting interesting. How can they nail the lowest engineers in this? They wrote lots of memos, they wrote lots of Station Condition Records (SCR's). Everybody and their dog wanted more inspection ports. Yet, the liability probably goes down to the engineer who was forced to sign.


  1. Yes but - how could you miss this rapidly breaking news?! I hope we aren't in for a similar fate when our former nuke plant operator falls asleep at the controls because of excess triptophan inhalation... read on...

    Poultry power: Minnesota gets first in the nation turkey crap power plant

    Certain subjects, we are taught, are not to be discussed during dinner. But at an outdoor luncheon Friday in Benson, all bets were off. "There is gold in that there manure," proclaimed Governor Tim Pawlenty to about 200 guests.

    Manure from turkeys ? 100 semi-truck loads per day ? provides the fuel to power 40,000 homes at the nation's first turkey litter fired power plant.

    The $200 million 54 megawatt plant is owned by Fibrominn, a subsidiary of a British company that operates three similar plants in Great Britain.

    "It's nearly 1,500 degrees at this location," says Carl Strickler, the plant's chief operating officer, as he opens a furnace access door to reveal a roaring orange fire. "It's hard to actually get it going, but once you get the temperatures up in the furnace, it will be self sustaining."

    For Minnesota turkey farmers it's a dream come true; free trucking and a small payment for manure.

    Benson gains 30 workers at the plant, including new resident Chuck Larson, a control room operator who came from a nuclear plant in Illinois.

    "There's different challenges, and it is exciting," he says. "It's a new opportunity."

    But in Benson they know what you're thinking. What about the smell?

    When touting his plant's design to city leaders, Fibrominn's founder, Rupert Fraser, promised not to make a stink. Today he offered proof to the luncheon guests in the tent several hundred feet downwind from the plant.

    "I would like anyone who can smell poultry to please put your hands up," he urged the crowd. Only applause followed.

    By Boyd Huppert, KARE 11 News

    (Copyright 2007 by KARE. All Rights Reserved.)

    Last Updated: 10/13/2007 5:56:52 PM

  2. I am sooo sorry! Roasted turkey shit beats radioactive waste anytime...
