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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Great Red Spot collapses

 And so it happens.  Our grs, which has kept us warm all winter, is melting like the oz movie.

The powerful scraping has stopped.  

It's just a pale red now, no more dark red.  However, there is a residual, but I suspect it does not hold much heat energy.  It will be less tomorrow.

The ocean currents are a few days behind, but you can see the major force leaving the building.

And so, the crash starts.  The tropics will still be the highest but will crash the most.

The world temps will be next.

And that's the north, crashing.

And, finally, the Arctic should set new records.

This is so rapid and significant, that I'll follow it every day, and if it suddenly goes up, man, I'll look silly.

ps.  and nooa picked the oscillation perfectly, like a surfer.

And I'm not even making a real 'all months' plot, because they are so always right.

ps.  just fixed the Arctic chart.  I'm glad nobody reads, so I can't be embarassed.

ps.  wow, really nice today.  We will have a stagnant summer like this, off and on.  The Gulf plume, and Arctic air will continue to collide.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Suckering the Chinese to build electric cars and solar panels


This is quite interesting as they have built billions of these things that nobody will want soon.  When the crash happens, it might delay their war plans for a while.

ps.  also, the Chinese put all the money into appearance.  I once bought a nice cheap Chinese kitchen faucet that looked perfect.  A few months later, I was lucky to catch a drip from the interior, and replaced the tap.  The plastic would have cracked and flooded the whole house.  This happened before with toilet connectors.  Many new homes were flooded.  Can't wait to see these things blow up, and let's not talk about 40 below.

ps. I'm thinking of the universities, and the definition of leftwinger has the word 'shallow' in it.  The universities are saying "Look, we killed all the physics for you, and put up stupid windmills and solar panels for you.  And you still aren't happy?"

ps and you leftwingers brought us all closer to war by banning German nuclear plants, and shovelling lots of money to China.  

Great Red Spot on its last legs


Attacked by cold from the equator, and from below, the grs is on its last legs.  It totally dominated the world heat energy last year.  Had we been able to calculate total energies for the El No-no and the grs, we would have seen factors of 10 difference, and we would have known who was the grizzly bear.  But, no physics for you!

The northern temps are hooking down, and I expect a full dive into the crowd.  You can see what happened last year.  

The Arctic is down to the old days before the 2016 warm spell.  Polar bears will be happy.

The tropics are still ridiculously high.  I expect a huge dive, something like Toronto housing prices.  It's all a question on how long the spot can tread water.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

World tropics temperature continues to correlate exactly with Great Red Spot

 So, we have another burst with the tropical temperature.  In physic-land, temperature has nothing to do with heat energy, which is what makes us warm and grow crops.  You can have narrow spikes of temperature that have almost no heat energy, and like Chinese food, you are cold the next day.

That dark spot comes and goes like an influencer heat wave.  The tropics temps go up, and it gives a little bounce to world temps, because the world temps incorporate that in the calculation.

Nooa has an ability to catch this on the peaks.  Amazing.  However, the farther away from the equator, we have no effect.

So, we are cold in the N-hemi, and I wonder about planting tomatoes.  I'll go with the beans today.

The temperature of the spot is totally dependent on the amount of 'scraping' from the islands.  As the season changes, the scraping will stop, but there is no timing on that, because of no physics being measured.  The great 'crime' of warmism, is the cancellation of all physics, because 'all the physics was done in 1850'.  I love those guys.

ps.  I am just gushing because of the miserable cold rain outside.

Cracking the giant compost bin

 Continuing my series of 'Gardening with Physics'.  

I bought a wonderful giant thermal compost bin a while ago - The Aerobin.  It was cheap then, but now costs as much as TS tickets from scalpers.  

This is an insulated bin, with a double layer of plastic.  After it is emptied, and about every two feet of new stuff, I start a thermal event.  This is done by adding a lot of dissolved miraclegro and closing the lid.  You need a proper mix for the stuff, and then it gets really hot.

It has a lot of ventilation but that becomes useless as you fill to the top.

The main event is breaking it open.  It has little doors at the bottom, but they are useless.  Compost is the secret to 'organic taste'.  Direct chemical nitrogen destroys that taste, and that's why I put all the nitrogen into the compost formation.  Nitrogen is the critical key that makes 'organic produce' an influencer myth.  These guys also want to destroy all farm animal raising.  Then there is no nitrogen for them.  

In order to feed everyone with reasonably-priced food you need chemical nitrogen.  Anything else is an influencer fairy tale, like windmills and solar panels.  In the US, I came across huge solar farms over fertile fields.  We aren't gaining anything here.

Now, in the Spring, we have to crack open that bin.  I was using hand-jacks to tilt it, to dump it, but then it all fell apart.  Everything snaps together, so this is a great way to open up.  However, the compost is a giant brick.  You have to hack it apart with a shovel, and then die with the stink.  I chopped it all up and there is a lot of anaerobic mush that stinks.  Thank goodness, it is raining now, and that cuts the stink.

This will be spread over the garden in big hunks.  If you are lazy, the worms will attack it, in time.  If you live with a fuss-pot, then you grind again with the electric tiller, which makes a nice sugar soil.  All the veggies become tasty, and you are happy paying twice as much for your garden produce, if you take everything into account.

Another tongue of cold hits Toronto

 Not quite hitting us, but close enough.

We have the Gulf warm air coming up to meet it.  That means rain.  

Everything in the world seems to be a mess.

Monday, May 13, 2024

A Rabbit-Proof Fence

 Yeah, I don't have a rabbit-proof fence.  Turns out they can get into anything.  The babies pass through my chain-link fence like water.  The big ones always find new holes.

I have my official rabbit-proof spray that I shoot everywhere.  The rabbits hate it and it kills the beetles, and other endless pets.  Ha, we gave broccoli to our neighbour and rabbit ate it.  Not my stuff!  I lent her the spray container for the cherries, but I need some advantage.

The spray is made up differently each time, because I can't remember anything.  Here is the recipe, I think.

-two gallons of water in a standard air pressure sprayer

-two tablespoons (dollop) of Home Defense synthetic pyrethin. This is the same molecule as extracted from Marigolds, but you can't kill that many flowers.

-dollops of Neem Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Miracle Gro Powder

-a hunk of Epson Salt, and a few drops of Blue Dawn liquid dish soap.

-a hunk of Borax powder

Shake a lot before spraying.  It all has good physics.

Because it is so weak, I spray a lot.  No hope for the apples, but you can just cut out the worms.

The march of civilization

 I'm inspired for more philosophy.  I have decided to rewrite history from a physics point of view.  God knows we have enough history rewrites from the leftwingers.  

Civilization is defined as boosting the economy enough to provide for an increasing population.  The hunter-nomads could not provide, and were all destroyed by the farmers.  Then they ran into the limit of farming - romantic sheep farmers, that all the leftwingers want us to be.  Problem is, they all died like flies.

It was clean water and sewage that elevated civilization, and that was the Romans.  They got more income by trading, which was an excuse to scope out the farmers for invasion.  Such whiners complain about all the people they killed, but those guys were going to die anyway.  The Romans died out and we had the dark ages of church leftwingers.  Lots of death, and a life expectancy of the Russians.

So, Western Civilization had the Great Three.  Greeks for philosophy, Romans for sewage and trade, and the Ancient Faith for finance.  Nobody else had that, and we tramped all over them.  Don't let me get into the Eastern Philosophy.

Of course, the leftwingers want us all to go backwards, and die.  All civilization is evil and must die.

The trumpies are all anti-civilization.  My son calls them anti-institution.  They want us to go to anarchy with warlords 'trumping' over us.  Of course, they want to be the boss, because everybody else dies.  The essence of civilization is to provide an extra margin over subsistence, so we can have leftwingers and philosophers.  All these people don't realize that without this margin, we won't have universities to set up tents.

Our leftwingers do not create wealth.  Just laugh at them and continue to make money.  Making money, while advancing civilization gives us clean water and sewers.  

The Ancient Faith

 I am calling it the 'Ancient Faith' (af) to save me from search engines and AI's.  There is no winning on saying anything about this.  I was immersed in this with the big party on the weekend.  It was an amazing experience, and they are all so intense.  They propel the world economy, and just look at the fate of all countries that kicked them out.

We had a very long service for the 'coming of age' for our grand niece.  For the af, this is at 13 years old.  She was surrounded by a ton of teenies, and I was amazed by several hours of no phones at all.  We don't do them any favours by allowing all that screen time.

The service took a year of preparation for her.  She sang the verses in a beautiful voice, and that is so good to put in music and singing for the prep work.  The party was better than most weddings I've been to.  All my relatives were there, and I felt that I didn't know all the grand nieces and nephews.  It's somewhat sad that I'll shuffle off the mortal coil, and they'll go 'whatever'.  

It's good to have huge family get-togethers once in a blue moon.  It was tough to travel, and I wanted to just stay home, but it's also my 70th birthday, and I was dragged there.  Even the dog came along.

These young people are an amazing generation, but at the dinner, they just talk about TS and the concerts that they all want to go to, but can't.  The ratio must be one in ten thousand for teenies to get there.  I wish they were interested in physics, but I have hope for my grandson.  My son said he listened to a pod cast about it getting colder, but it sounded like a new influencer thing (AMOC), with no physics. Sad.  Still, it's good to know there is a generation of new influencers about the cold.

ps the intellectual intensity (for the economy) was like California.  In the east, it is all af, and California, it is everyone else.  There is no creative intensity in the rest of the world.  They just live off these two poles.  Oh, and I ran into a trumpy hater in the boonies, who didn't like how i opened a door.  I had to look at him to see if he would pull a gun, and he just gave me dead fish eyes.  These people are death.

ps.  and I am so happy we have 'Influencers of Cold'.  They are going on about the Gulf Stream, which I have been pointing out since 2016.  That's when it really died.  

ps.  Yeah, my cryptic posts are shedding all the AI's.  My numbers are going down to nothing.

Permanent La Nina now in both oceans

 The idea of a permanent La Nina has been in the media lately.  Of course, this is an influencer concept, since the old cycles have been blown out of the water.  The last 'Phoney El Nino' was just a shallow return current that fooled the heck out of the satellites.  

Both equatorial belts have gone cold.  This was my hypothesis for a 'long ice cycle' like the Little Ice Age.  However, the side-bands are putting up a fight for warmth.  The Great Red Spot in the West Pacific is still cycling and providing warmth for the tropical regions.  The tropics do not have enough heat energy to distribute to the rest of the world.

I'm not calling these posts 'State of the Oceans' any more, since I have no idea what is going on.  You are better off just listening to influencer fairy tales.  Whereas we were supposed to be hot, they are revising history to explain after the fact.

Warm water is still feeding the spot with an 'island scoop'.  This has to end soon.

The Gulf Stream is now wobbling back to Spain.  It will be a fun winter in the UK coming up.

Due to the warm side-bands, the tropics are refusing to follow the seasonal down-trend.  This is bumping up the world temperatures slightly.

The world temps will not repeat last year.  We can expect it to drop as the seasonal change will chop the knees off the tropic temps.

The tropical heat bleeds slowly to the North American temps, but the Arctic temps say 'What heat?'.

The temperatures are now oscillating around a very cold average.  The band is very narrow, and I expect the line to join historic cold levels.

In summary, we can always count on residual ocean heat.  That doesn't go away very fast.  However, we are well into an ice cycle.  Thank goodness, we still have one-day heat waves for the influencers to hang on to. What would they do otherwise?  They make their living on this stuff.

With the tropical plumes almost non-existent, we can expect a standard summer of warm and cold clashes, with lots of rain for Toronto.  I have no idea what will happen to the Gulf of Mexico heat for Toronto, that seems to be a hot-spot on its own.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Huge cold blob coming down


Most likely this wonderful clear blob will hit the mucky warmth from the Gulf and not freeze my tomatoes.  

Just got in from the bat mitzva of our relatives in New York, near the big apple.  Horrible driving, but as Moses said, the rain parted and we had a great party.  The rest of the time it was rain.

Took the dog down, and stayed at airbnb's that allowed the dog.  She was so good, and nobody will notice she went along for the ride.  

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Heat energy eludes us

 Having fun in New York. 

Man, what a horrible drive down here. 

I'm doing the blog with my phone. There is no heat coming from the ocean  

Friday, May 10, 2024



Cool weather. Nice scenery. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

US temps from NOAA are average


That's from 1970.  I expect the worlds to be over the top, due to that problem with the Great Red Spot.  It seems to swamp the temperature readings with no heat energy.  Again, remember that temperature can be a meaningless parameter.  I suspect the Spot is very shallow.

ps.  and the North is going to have a tougher time.  It's all clange, but I really liked this article.


No AI here, the article feels clean....

ps. and we really need some Prozac for those 'climate scientists' who should all be out of a job soon.

ps.  they came up with 12th warmest in the fine print.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Arctic ice volume still climbing out of the pit


The April report is in, and it is still climbing.  With Influencer-Thought, you can still look at the past decades of shrinking, and be happy.  

ps.  and the media 'short heat waves' are over.  So cool ...

ps and with this, the leftwingers have stopped searching the earth for the only chart that supports them for a day.  Now, they are just going back to usual -- It's clange.

Weird cold mountain side push gives Alberta a sog


This is quite weird.  The cold Arctic spill is going over the mountains and causing rain in Alberta.  No drought there.

I find this amazing, and right after the 'big drought' forecast and the run on plastic rain barrels.  The Arctic really looks like it is on its last legs, but it is quite cold for the time of year.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Major Arctic spill has no teeth

 Yeah, I finally think the Arctic has been pushed back to its proper place for summer.  I really need to keep writing for therapy after seeing that dog attack.

The major spill hitting Vancouver and the west coast is warm underneath.  It's only in the mountains that it is showing its true colours.  

All the Europe cold blobs are being stopped by heat.  But we never know if one gets through.

Time to be thankful for the cold


These things and fire ants.  All stopped because of the cold.  Monsters can't survive when the lakes freeze over.  It's an oxygen and food thing.  

I'm glad, I really don't want to go 'cat noodling'

Major dog attack in the neighbourhood

 Walking my laid-back 10 year old dog, on the leash thank goodness.  I was being warned by all the dog walkers that there was a big, well-fed coyote down the road.  Roxie and him are friends.  Somebody is feeding him, because he doesn't take care of the rabbits around here.  I suspect its the nasty people with the nasty cat, who are bribing him to leave the bird-killer alone.

Anyway, coming back, a big doberman, un-neutered, who has had trouble before was being razzed by a little black dog, owned by the russian guy.  That dog has attacked the little sucker before, and they were allowing a lot of hate to come out.  He should have just pulled the dog along, but they baited the dob enough that it practically yanked off the arm of the lady holding him and went in full vicious attack on the little back yappy dog.

Our russian guy went full rambo and tackled the dob.  He was in full dog rage and held him.  The lady was hopeless.  I pulled away the little guy and he nipped me.  My dog is going la-la.  The guy got the back of his hand slashed 6 inches, wide open, and only cared for the little dog.  There appeared to be no major injuries, but he got the full spine grab.

Good thing I flagged down a cop and told him there was some drama.  And the attack will be registered now, and that is a dangerous dog.  I'd put it down.

I got no pictures because I was right in the thick of it and assisting.

ps.  I saw the exact same thing 30 years ago.  Nothing like a dog going for the kill.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Cold forces down tropical plumes


Well, good for us, we have our normal seasonal solar heat.  I don't have a clue what is happening, but it is cold all around on all the charts.

The world has taken a dive to normal levels, the great heat spike is over.

The Arctic is happy at being cold.

And the Asia heat wave is under attack by cold air.

The only weird thing is that all of Alberta believes the 'El No-no' forecast of a warmie drought and is using up all the plastic production of Ontario to get rain barrels.  Will these end up in the Pacific?

The weather people can't forecast themselves out of a paper bag.

ps. right now we have very cold air slamming the rising Gulf air, and causing the Texas floods.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

No moose is good moose


This is just the logo for a new pattern of 'AI-poisoning' camo, for them to wear.  It's good.  Can you see the moose there hiding in plain sight?  No?  Then it's working!  I don't why she has a colostomy bag hanging on behind her.

Global picture looks weird


The tropics are staying to themselves without a lot of plumes.  You can see that all the heat from the Great Red Spot is now just staying on the equatorial belt.  That's relief for SE Asia.  

The Arctic is in a recharging phase.  At least Toronto is warm and rainy.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Europe to get more blobs of cold


Not much happening in the world.  Just Europe looks interesting.  

Our Pacific heat is being blocked by Alberta cold, so no nice Spring for Toronto, just hot and cold.  Our gulf air might be sufficient to think about more planting in the garden.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Nuclear waste -- take the money


Take the money.  This has as much chance as a nuclear plant on Lake Erie, which was once proposed.  You farmers are on the worst rock in the world.  You will never get another chance to run away with a few billion dollars.  

I am totally for this project, because it will provide endless amusement.  The same people were in charge of the Niagara Tunnel to Nowhere, and the famous Ottawa LRT.  You will simply see them attempt to sink a shaft, and then you can watch them run away.  This will be all the same effort as the attempt just up the road.  

You've got to compete with those Ignace people, who have the same quality of geology, but granite.  Put them down, and go for the gold!

ps - and in other news of a certain ridiculousness, we have brand new bankrupt shopping malls, turning into condos that nobody wants.  What's after the condos?

Bloating takes lessons from Poots


I'm not going to say anything, they might spray a whiff of that stuff over here.  That lovely company is about to send astronauts up in something that has never passed a test.  I'm not looking.

However, I wouldn't turn down a free flight on one of their balloon-busters.  Judging from my kids and their covid, I have more chance of dying at the tourist location.  I'm surprised that they can fill tour boats, and nothing has happened yet.  These boats haven't followed my suggestions and installed hydroxyl generators everywhere.  Perhaps they aren't into physics?