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Sunday, September 29, 2019

Seychelles Day 1

And so we leave exciting Ethiopia, and fly to the Seychelles.  They are quite fussy that you have booked something, so have your reservation papers handy.

This is behind our airbnb, and tomorrow we go on the boat.  At least we hope we have a boat, they are rather slack on confirmations.

We left Eth and we were happy.  There are a tremendous number of tribes and they are all different.  The cultural centre allowed us to see the dancing without bothering them.  Reputable companies no longer go there to see the naked ladies.  Too many tourists can really destroy them.

Ethiopia - Hippo Camp 2

This my drone shot of the eco lodge, Langano Lake.  If you look offshore, you see hippo dots.  These guys want one thing - to eat you.  However, they are vegan, so they just munch and spit you out.  We went on a boat trip, and they charged us.  They dive, swim fast, and pop up.  They want to split the boat.  I was shaking too much to get video.

This is a boiling geyser.  They throw rocks on it to cook fish.

It was very powerful.

Last day was going out to a cultural place in the big city.  Wild.

Today we are in Seychelles.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Ethiopia -- Hippo Camp

So, we start with the night at our wonderful hotel on one of the many rift lakes that I can't name for the life of me.

Then a visit to the Hawassa fish market, totally crazy.

Time to play monkey-head.

Off to the Langano Lodge hippo eco camp.

Ethiopia Day Whatever

Sorry, fell off the grid for two days.  An eco lodge with hippos.  I have to get all my pictures together, including action camera, drone, and phone.  I am zonked and going to a big night out tonight.  Right now in a luxury hotel with wifi -- Yeah!

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Ethiopia Day 3

I am now sitting on the balcony overlooking Lake Awasa, with my Scotch.  I am inspired to write an exciting video game called Potholes and Goats.  Absolutely terrifying.

Started this morning with 'Sunrise over the rift'.  After that, a long game of potholes and goats, with donkeys, cattle, and people.  I *need* my whiskey.  This lake has tons of fish, and we are going on a boat trip to see hippos, tomorrow.  We asked if the boat was big enough.

We visited yesterday a large settlement on the top of a mountain.  They are very poor but have set up a 'disneypark' for tourists, so we don't bother real life.  This is just the end of the rainy season with no tourists.  Next month the place is choked with tourists.  But it shows real life, and the actors come from all over the place.  We went well into the settlement when we visited the waterfall, and I made my great pratfall in front of hundreds.  They cheered and I bowed.  Here we are dancing with them.  Like I said we loved them all and gave them sunglasses.

ps. Like I said before, it is inconceivable that you could survive this 'backpacking' on your own.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Ethiopia Day 2

We signed up with a first-class company Exodus, having a Toyota Land Cruiser and our own driver and guide.  We love him and he has saved us many times.  This place is one step below Guatemala in terms of going it alone.  Do not do it.

We stayed at an eco lodge, and hiked to a waterfall, and visited a village who is set up to entertain tourists.  We gave them all sunglasses.

We loved them.  And we went to a waterfall that no tourist goes to.

It was in the original mountain rain forest.

First day, driving down the African roads, I used up all my fear juice.

Cows, goats, people, all over the road.

This is the panorama from the eco lodge.

Now we are in first-class hotel.

ps.  this hotel overlooks the African Rift Valley.

There it is.

pps.  so the sad story of the Swiss girl, who is a travel agent and an experienced traveller in Africa.  She was quite upset that they were being charged the 'white rate'  all the time.  They took the tuk-tuk which is a 3 wheel taxi up to the eco resort, and agreed on a price.  Halfway up this horrible hill that taxed our land cruiser (really horrible) the taxi stopped and demanded more money.

more:  this is the rift panorama

Lake on the left is alkaline, no fish, probably from volcanic springs.  Lake on the right has lots of fish, and we love eating it.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Hello from Ethiopia

From the window of the hotel at Addis.

This is the last place where you get fantastic value for the Canadian dollar.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

US Natural Gas Storage Looks Good

A brutal winter coming up, caused by the merry, dancing jet stream.  The US natgas storage is following a good line.

Last year they hardly put any gas in storage because of the high prices.  They were saved by the El Nino having quite an effect on temperatures.

In Canada, we have enough natgas, so we won't freeze.  I'm predicting that the minimum in US storage will go below the band.  Then the prices will rise.  But I said that last year and I was wrong.  Bah to uncertainties, I'm going to put on my brown face now, or is that brown pants?

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Carbon sensitivity goes up


This is the easiest parameter to measure directly with physics, but it won't be done, since they know it will be zero.  The warmies are using 1850 absorption values, combined with curve-fitting.  The assumption is that the co2 absorbs the heat and doesn't do anything with it.

However, these guys claimed to have increased the parameter, thus bringing the end of the world closer.  I was astonished, so I assume they are curve-fitting just the 2016 El Nino which was a huge spike.  With this new value, there is no hope for anybody.  Just relax and have the 'beaujolais nouveau' cannabis from your garden.

It's Cannabis Harvest Time!

The whole neighbourhood is abuzz with talk about their cannabis plants.  One old guy up the street got some unknown seeds and put in a bag of sheep manure.  The plants are over 6 feet tall, and stink for hundreds of feet away.  My variety stays small with no stink.

You can review my video on making cannabis oil.

It's funny that my potted plant has the vegetative leaves turn yellow, but the plant in the garden has no yellow.  Those are the garbage leaves, anyway.  I think it's best not to add too much manure, since these plants are better off suffering, just like potatoes.

A note on goopykardies.  There is not a speck of proof that cbd oil extracted from hemp has any benefits.  I had no luck with the pure molecules of thc or cbd.  They are poison.  The main benefit of my oil is the anti-inflammatory effect and that may be all the stinky terpenes.  Just like you need stinky garlic to work, and the red stuff in red wine.  If you can't grow, then buy the buds and process them.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Yeah, big holiday coming

So, in advance of our cold winter, I am going someplace warm and on other side of the world.  Great geology, etc.

I'll try to get some pictures up, but I'm sure the connections are horrible.  I won't give any details because the warmies are always out to get me.  :)

That's probably it for hurricanes

The hurricanes feed on the extremely hot water.  So, this last little hurricane is mopping up the remains of the northern section of hot water.  We could still get one more whipping up the top of S. America and hitting Cuba.  As well, there could be a Gulf hurricane.  Both of these scenarios need a lot of precision, and that doesn't happen too often.

But hurricanes need cold air as well.  Dorian is the last thing making the warmies happy.  Now, poor Europe is about to be hit by record cold, but they will talk about the short heat wave forever.  Single spike events carry no energy, but lots of press.

Kansas finds another hot injection site

Yeah, the price of natgas is going up a bit.  Perhaps we can have a good run of Ok-Kan earthquakes.  This is an m4 at a new injection site in Kansas.  As you can see with all the other spots, people have earthquakes for a while, and then bash the head of the guy doing it.  Then all is peaceful again.

So, for Mr Injection Site, please remember that you can inject all the produced salt water you want, but if you touch the crack-frack natgas waste, you will get hit on the head.

ps.  they are now up to 2.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

How much has it cost?

I don't want to irritate those guys, who are having the big strike on the 20th.  They are powerful.

So, here's 40 billion going to the philosophers.  They should grab it fast before the world gets cold.  However, I had wondered before how much 'nasa philosophy' has cost the world so far, including the freon thing.  I had thought 1 trillion, but maybe it's more now.

I had suggested to the trumpies that they have a big physics contest about measuring the warmie mechanisms directly, but it's 'too fancy' for them.  We will go on, and have fun about how long it takes for these guys to freeze up.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Another fine thing


These are the people making lots of money from warminess.  They just came out that the ice minimum is 2nd lowest, and that the Arctic will be ice-free in a couple of years.  Good for them!

My hypothesis of flip-flopping heat flow, leads to the expectation of tremendous ice this year.  It will be fun to get them out again.  If you freeze yourself in when the ice is always decreasing, then you will get out at ice minimum.  If, however, the ice is building, maybe trumpy can lend a nuclear bomb.

When they hit the 5m ice, I hope they have a bubbler system, or some way to jack the boat up on the ice.  At least have measurements on ice pressure.  Should be fun.

ps.  this is great, the latest warmie physics.  It's so perfect, except it leaves out convection, and scaling effects.  It's 'truth' is that experiments in a bottle represent the entire atmosphere.  You can never argue with this, just wait until it gets cold.


Searching for a hot tub gasket

This is a classic heater union 2 inches.  When I replaced the heater I got the threaded union from a plumbing shop and installed it.  The union comes with a gasket and you can only get a fitting gasket with a union.  But it was black and totally melted in the hot tub after a couple of years.  Finding the leak was horrible.

So it is difficult to get a silicone gasket.  Amazon has them for a horrendous price.  None of the commercial plumbing shops have them.  I finally went to a big pool parts place, and these things aren't labelled in the shop.  He has hundreds of gaskets.  I had all the measurements, especially that it was 3 inch OD.  He finally gave me one for free.

The original gasket was flat but with an o-ring glued on one side.  That holds the gasket in place as you try to put the union together.  My flat gasket squirmed all over the place so I filled the channel with pure silicone and let it harden.  Makes it a lot easier.

ps.  Had I known I'd drive all over the place, I would have just got this.  I may still need silicone on the other side.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Global temperatures go down a little bit


This isn't much, but the El Nino is over, and that's the only thing that can shift this chart.  Surprisingly, the northern mids are up a bit.  Finally a hit from our warm Summer.

Now, the Guardian only responded with 'It was colder 70 years ago'.  That means they are going to ignore all current freezing and look at the past long trend.  This will be fun.

The ice volume has passed minimum and is on a tear up.  I am expecting that it will rip through the band and hit a new high this year.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Breibart Hot Air


This was funny, but I wrote in the comments that they were lazy and should do something.  I proposed a big contest sponsored by the dead billies that someone measure the exact value of the 'carbon constant',  Prize 3 million to an accredited atmospheric physics lab.  Since the warmies killed all these guys, I am expecting new growth.

ps.  a guy came back and said the physics was too fancy.  I explained it in terms of a truck.

pps. in the end everyone just wants to be cute.

Turning Carbon Dioxide into Fuel

50 foot pine tree threatening the cottage.  I am a 'tree whisperer' so I can drop it to within an inch.

ps.  beautiful white oak freed.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Cottage Report Sept. 7, 2019

Nice cool September weather like my childhood.  It's funny that I overheard one young lady muttering that in 'her' childhood, April and September were so warm, and now it's cold.  I'm sure that these young'uns are going to question the warmie priests:  'Why is it so cold now?'  and the answer will be 'Move along.'

In the next few days we'll see the new global temps charts.  I am expecting a big drop and everybody will say 'Move along'.  The 'Consensus of Self-Interest' will stay strong because to say otherwise subjects them to what they did to others.

If we are lucky, then the hurricanes will hit the UK and that will dominate the news.  I'm thinking they will undershoot and freeze the UK, but that's in the future.

At the cottage, I'm felling trees for my carbon-neutral means of heating.  No matter that the pollution is horrible, but there's nobody here.

Monday - quite cold at night.  Had a sauna and the cold water quite shocked me.  Only one cycle, today it might be two.

Wed. Sept 11.  Really hot for one day.  Sweating, and might go swimming.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Hurricanes suck up the heat

This is interesting physics.  Notice that I'm never mentioning the 'c' word any more, because Google will suck it up on Discover, and and endless self-interest people will want to censor it.  To them, there can be no opposition.

It's amazing that you see the hurricane track in the water temps.  It would be wonderful to have a full physics model of a hurricane and watch it practically boil the seawater.  However, convection physics would run smack into the censors.

On the ENSO ONI we have a huge crash, showing the end of the El Nino.  Buy extra sweaters.

Our winter is going to be a doozy.  Expect to see lots of 'Dancing Jet Stream', which is all the warmies have in the winter.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Toronto real estate still middling

It is still on the edge of a heart-attack.  Condos are finally going flat.  We are always 6 months behind Vancouver.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Apple Tree Spraying

This year I have a bumper crop from my medium-sized apple tree, and a big crop from the pear tree.  I don't really know if this is a fluke, or my spray has worked wonders.  Nothing works to save the cherry tree which is under attack from a fungus.  I hope Dougie releases some of the rules on insect sprays.

My recipe:

Into two gallons of water in your sprayer, add:

1 tbls Home Defence insect spray (pyrethins)
2 tbls Miracle Gro powder (iron and fertilizer for the leaves)
2 drops dish soap (disperses the oils)
1 tbls Neem Oil (fungicide)
1 tbls Tea Oil (fungicide)
1 tbls Epson Salts (added magnesium for plants, gives slugs a tummy ache)
1 tbls Borax (ants hate it, and protects from aphids)

This is a very light, mostly organic, spray.  Spray every week, since it doesn't stick around.  No residual after a wash or rain.

It only works if the slug or insect eats a lot of plants.  My apples this year are 99% worm-free with very little scab.

Works on everything, but don't spray flowers if the bees are on them.  The spray is very non-poisonous and you could probably drink it.  :)

Don't use it in California since it causes cancer only there.  :) along with pure spring water.

ps.  now back to my happy sabbatical. 

Monday, September 2, 2019

Hurricanes all over the place

The water in the mid-Atlantic is very hot.  The air and water just above it is very cold.

This is all just perfect for hurricanes.  The UK thinks they will get a heatwave out of this.  Ha.

It's hilarious that all these guys have been calling for a heatwave all summer.  Not going to happen.  But the upper picture is interesting.  We've got new hurricanes forming in the Gulf and all over the Atlantic.  But since the UK economy is tanking, I'm not going to make fun of them any more.  They put all their intellectual energy into warmie stories, and not into making things (that requires physics).  Sad.


Sunday, September 1, 2019

Hurricane Physics

This is exciting enough to break my vow of silence for a minute.  Hurricane Dorian is predicted to rake the trumpy coast and not strike.

However, there is overwhelming momentum from the Atlantic wind belt to slam it into the golf course.

Fighting against this is the channel of hot water from the vestigial Gulf Stream.  Hurricanes like to travel up the highway of heat.

It will be quite interesting to see which force wins.

ps.  I forgot to mention that the most important physics here is the 'difference' between the hot and cold air.  You can have the hottest air and it just sits there like a blob.  Only when cold air slides over it you get energy released.  All the warmies say is 'hotter air holds more moisture' which is irrelevant crap.  :)

pps.  the projected track is always nudging closer to trumpyland.

more: whew.  I was worried there hasn't been any warmie press.  Thank goodness for the WP: The unusual strength of Dorian and the rate at which it developed is consistent with the expectation of more intense hurricanes in a warming world. Some studies have shown increases in hurricane rapid intensification, and modeling studies project an uptick in the frequency of Category 4 and 5 storms.