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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Linux - getting an old Android tv box to connect with Samba

I have an old tv box for the exercise room.  It runs Android 4.  It does not browse Samba shares any more.  I was going to toss it, until I looked things up.  The work-around is to 'add network location' using the smb protocol and manually enter the ip address and Samba share.  Then it shows up in your list and you add the share as normal.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Linux - Samba shares do not appear on Dolphin

Nasty little bug, comes with upgrades.  You can hit 'network' and samba, and no servers appear.  Yet, my Android tv box worked perfectly.

Use gadmin-samba and add this right after your server name.

client max protocol = NT1

Then save the configuration file, and reboot.  Works!  Yeah!

Linux - Google Wifi test

I got nothing but complaints over Christmas by the invasion of California millennials, over my crappy wifi.  They were constantly working on the kitchen table.  So, I bought a 3 pack of Google Wifi thingies, on sale for Boxing Week.

Using Wifi Speed Test on my old tablet, I got 100 mega bit per second on the main unit, and 50 around the house, using the mesh.  This is ten times the old speed.

You just run their Python program on your Linux server.  On the internal gigabit network, I get about 80 mega bytes per second, so only about 7 times faster.  Technically, I could now run the 4k tv on wifi, but I put in a direct cat6 cable, and even that chokes sometime.  It's best to convert everything to h265.

Also, everything is just one wifi network, one password.  It does take about 30 seconds to hand off signal around the house.

I am now ready for my fiber connection.  :)

Friday, December 29, 2017

Predictions for 2018

I have no memory of previous predictions.  If something is correct, I take credit for it, if I remember.  These are the 2018 predictions.

-cold weather.  In fact, I think it will be colder than the usual 1970's, because the El Nino was so huge.  The newspapers will be full of 'record breaking', and 'unexplained cold'.  Nobody will look at the physics.

-huge earthquakes.  This is the year that Oklahoma finally gets to my predictions of the last 5 years.  Everybody and their dog will be fracking for gas once they thaw out.  Fresh water frack waste will be coming from Texas, to keep some m5's going for the winter.

-After the OK m7 earthquake, oil will zoom up to lofty heights and Alberta will be shipping tons of natgas.  Nobody will be fracking because all injection in OK will be banned, and there's nowhere else.  They might go back to co2 fracking, once the whole carbon thing goes down.

-even after incredible cold all year, and Arctic ice at the max, the warmies will be clinging to rare stories of warmth, and will make up new stories of how the ocean plastic is gobbling all the heat.

-absolutely no physics will be done on this, since it could bring up the ozone error.  No politician will ever admit he was wrong.  Nobody will look at clear-air convection.

-nobody will ask me how frack waste can be injected safely.  That involves physics.

ps.  if we go back to the 20's for the cold, then expect a dust bowl 10 years from now.

Ice Hell is Our Future

The Lake Erie pressure ridges will be back.  Our Arctic ice volume will zoom back to the 70's.

I had to do a separate blog on this because there is such a neat story behind it.  Back in 1980 I had just joined the old company and it was an exciting place to work.  We had lots of money and we were doing things.  We were convinced that power demand was going up 5% year and this meant building a new nuclear plant every year.

We also had huge coal plants and were cleaning them up.  As such, we had surplus power, and were looking for markets.  Someone came up with the bright idea to lay power cables on the bottom of Lake Erie and ship power to the States.

It was cheap to just lay the cables on the bottom, and getting more expensive to bury them, along with more power loss.  So we did a side-scan sonar survey.  Then we found these huge trenches all over the place, even to the deepest spot.  We couldn't believe it, since there were Canadian natural gas wells all over the place.

A little inquiry found the deep, dark secret -- those nasty gas people were getting the pipes broken all the time and blurping gas all over the place.  They never mentioned it in the press releases.  :)  And it happened in the winter.

So, on one particularly nasty 1980's winter, our colleague ventured out in a helicopter at 20 below.  He got this amazing video.  It showed 'ice tectonics', exactly the same as plate tectonics.  There were huge subduction zones where the ice dived under the Himalayas.  Since 9 tenths of the ice is underwater, you can see that these pressure ridges had a deep keel.

That kaboshed the whole plan.  We would have to bury the cables something like 3 m, which was bad.  No cable.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

A tiny bit of heat may warm us up a little

This cold wave was much worse than they said, but I knew.  We have no heat energy in the northern hemisphere.  So, they are saying to endure a bit longer, then it will warm up.  Ha!

However, I see the chance of a bit of heat to warm our -20 to maybe a balmy -5.  Maybe not.

Here we can see our faint hope.  We've got both the chance of a Pacific and Gulf plume coming at us.  It will be a very tiny break, and the warmer air brings lots of snow.

All our climate is due to ocean currents, and it is sad that we have to freeze to death to realize this.  :)

Also, sad old UK may get a brush with heat, with a lot of snow.

ps.  Toronto will get a little warmer, but then temperatures will plunge as the Great Lakes freeze up.  May get a Lake Ontario freeze this year.  Lake Erie will have it's pressure ridges again.  The old company got a great video of that in the 1980's

Oh man!  I just found it.

This is fantastic!

pps.  oil and gas prices zooming.  I told everybody to buy futures.  This ice hell is our future!

Ice Lily Pads

Don't go swimming in the lily pads.

Cold weather of 1993


1993 was the very last of the 70-80's cycle.  It wasn't that much, compared to earlier, but that's as far as they went.  Since then we have enjoyed a lovely warm cycle that extended the cottage season.  Now we are back to our average pattern of Winter .... and July.  This last July wasn't that great.

We've had some recent 'Polar Vortex' cold snaps in January.  But when we got the Arctic blast, other people in the Northern Hemisphere had it warm.  Now, there is not a speck of heat in the north, except Moscow, which is getting a weird circulation from the Mediterranean.  That won't last.

Environment Can. can't touch the sacred cow of Trudeau-warming.  Nobody can.  So, don't expect anything significant from anybody.  They'll just go on with 'only a blip' or 'weather is not climate' forever.  The warmies are still living off the beginning of 2017 when El Nino was still strong for 3 months.  I told them they can only live in the March of the past, until next March, which will be cold.  But their lives are on the line, and we can expect them to fight even dirtier than before.

ps.  Toronto was a 57 year record for the day.  Just a blip.

pps.  Really, people, I totally predicted this, and you ain't seen nothin' yet.

Toronto, get that contamination out of your recycling

If I have to go out in this freezing weather to reorganize my Christmas recycling, you do too.  Tomorrow is recycling, and I have a zillion boxes to break down and tape up with clear hockey tape.  All my wrapping bags have the ribbons in them.  That's a no-no.  As well, all the black plastic has to go out.  Will I get frostbite?

Food containers have to be clean, but I know that already.  Dirty food wrapping paper goes in the compost bin.  I do my own composting for easy items like banana peels and coffee grounds with the filter.  Those k-cups are horrible and I never use them.  The Christmas Goose bones go into the city compost bin.

We all know that plastic-lined horton coffee cups aren't recyclable.  And I never take back the booze bottles, they all go in.

Fixing all this stuff is an easy way to reduce your impact on the world.  Now that we know the whole carbon thing is garbage, you can breathe easy.  :)

ps. they are starting a major 're-education' program.  Yesterday, I saw the ladies parked in front and going over their long lists.  'Better watch out, recycling ladies are coming to town'

OMG!  No normal human being would be able to go through what I did to 'legalize' all our recycle.  So, if the recycle police lecture you, just nod politely, and say it will never happen again.  And do it again, and again, and again.  :)

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Japan earthquake forecasts are bogus


I love this guy.  He knows how to spend his retirement years, and even gets published.  Everything to do with earthquakes in Japan is probably bogus, and even what this guy did.  :)  I love a guy who admits he was wrong.  I always admit I was wrong.  It's part of the Scientific Method.

Japan has politicized earthquakes, and politicians never admit they were wrong.  So, like warmies, they go on forever with discredited concepts.  Thus, they have a whole bureaucracy doing earthquake forecasts, and those guys aren't putting themselves out of a job.  If the 'warmie scientist-philosophers' ever admitted they were full of it, we could clear them all out, and bring in experimental physics people.  Like that's going to happen.  They got tenure, and are going to string out 'just a blip' for 10 years.  If it's 20 years, then we have the next cycle.

Back to stupid Japan.  They put a big store into earthquake prediction, instead of putting everything on piles, and locating backup generators on the top.  They even got 'early warning' which doesn't work for Kobe-type earthquakes.  And, like warmies, they can go on forever being constantly wrong.  We had departments like that in the old company -- "We were bad in the past, but now we're good."

This is the time of year when we go all forecasty.  All my 'predictions' of last year were wrong, except maybe the cold thing, which I don't think I did.  I never remember, and never look it up.  I'll make up some new ones in January.  :)

Physics experiments for 2018 that will never happen

-Canada gets an atmospheric physics chamber and repeats the famous experiment that destroyed the basis of the ozone Montreal protocol, our greatest diplomatic accomplishment.

-Canada launches weather balloons tracked by big lasers and radar to quantify total heat energy handled by clear air convection.

-at the same time, lasers reflected off the balloons can put the final nail in the coffin of carbon dioxide acting as a thermal insulator.

-using super computers, refine the models of the measured 'lapse rate' (decrease in temperature as the balloon rises).  Prove that it is exclusively driven by convection.

-using the chamber, calculate the exact heat transfer of a tropical ocean and a hurricane.  Easily done by varying the pressure.

-measure and model what happens when the snow stays all year, and the effect of isostatic motions.  This will tell us when we can expect the next ice advance.

-model the effect of the Mesozoic on the Earth's heat balance.

All of these experiments will never be done, because they are too embarrassing.  Even the trumpies won't do it, because they base all their science on the Bible.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The -40 Contour Hits Mid-Ontario

In fact, it's -50.  However, I like -40 since I don't have to put on the units.  At -40 you get frost on your nose hairs.  At -50, spit freezes before it hits the ground.  At least, so I'm told, as I have never experienced that sort of cold.  (It rhymes!),

Has the weather turned on a dime?  Not quite, since this started in March, when the El Nino collapsed.  This wasn't your ordinary en, it was the penultimate event of a 20 year cycle.  Normally, every 7 years, the Pacific currents reverse and dump heat.  California depends on this cycle, since their dams can only take 7 years of drought.  But this cycle builds up heat, and has a major dump every 20 years.

The 300 year cycle is interesting, but nobody has seen the mechanism work.  I suspect the equatorial currents move down South, and there is no Gulf Stream or North Pacific current for a couple of hundred years.  Then they move up again, and these currents are strong for 300 years.  Anyway, I think we are in the middle of a northern warm cycle.

If you want to know what is in store for the next 20 years, just look a the 70's and 80's.

This cold weather was the only way to break the backs of the warmie fanatics.  There were not amenable to any Scientific Method thing, since this was an article of faith that carbon dioxide warmed the Earth.  So, we had to endure them for 20 years.  Now, they are big into plastics and the evil oil companies.  At least there is a technical solution.

How do we clean up the warmie mess?  We may have to go back to 'clean coal', which is actually quite expensive.  Oil and natural gas (being cheap) may end next year, with Oklahoma blowing up.  We'll all be so cold, we'll want co2 warming us up, but it won't.  Co2 does nothing.

This cold will bring back the ozone holes.  They are associated with a strong polar vortex, not any chemicals.  The physics for all of this could be done easily, but it has been suppressed.  I'd love to see atmospheric physics come back into the world.

The Earth is in the 'Snowball Earth' phase, which is the 300 million year cycle.  However, ice advances only started 2 to 3 million years ago.  Before that, it was still warm from the Mesozoic. Then all those Arctic warm-weather species had the shock of their life (on a species basis).  This cycle is caused by plate tectonics, from the bunched up continents (hot) to the fully spread continents (cold).  We are well into this cycle, but we have been saved by the fact that the continents don't like all that ice, and sink below sea level.  Yeah for isostatic motions!

Again, this is all easily modelled with physics, and confirmed with geology.  For the last 20 years, all the people who knew this were tarred by association with the evil oil companies.  :)

ps. we can now go for methanol fuel cells, from natural gas, not 'green' crap.

pps.  warmies at the guard are still living in March, when the en died.  I hope they don't freeze to death.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Britain about to be smashed by Old Man Winter

I have a fascination for warmie Britain and watch eagerly to see if they will experience the copocalypse.  They are really warm right now, and probably think it will get warmer.  :)  I love these guys!  But you can see that physics is about to get tough for them.

They had a weak plume, then it will get cold, and then another plume.  Could be a lot of snow.  Merry (or Happy) Christmas to them.

ps.  I feel the irony of gloating over something that will bury me in snow.  But, what the heck.

pps.  from the news.

in Canada, probably the earliest ever -30C train stoppage.  -40 is spreading over the world.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Live video of Toronto being buried under ice for a thousand years

Ha ha, click on the picture.  It's not a utube live webcam.  I wouldn't have a clue how to do it.

This is our snow storm right now, this minute.  All my twenty-something kids are here for Christmas.  Are they going to shovel?

This is how our ice age is starting.  Despite my shovelling, none of the ice melts in the summer.  That leads to big-time cold, because no sunlight is being absorbed.  Ice builds to 5 klicks high.  It starts moving and grinds up my cars.  Damn ice ages!

ps.  I have decided to revive the 70's ice age alarmist.  Worry to death!!  Buy newspapers!  The new ice age is coming!

pps. and Merry Christmas!

addendum - only 4 to 6 inches

extra:  -21C in the forecast.  Can't really hit -30 until the lakes freeze, then it's -40 up in Huntsville.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

The World Enters the Copocalypse

A while ago I wrote about the 'coming' copocalypse.  Now it has come.

This only shows down to -25C.  The Canadian temps are at -40.  Don't worry about the starving polar bears now.  They are dancing!  Warmie Brexety Britain is still warm, but it won't last.

In Toronto, everybody is happy having a snowstorm while last-minute shopping.  People are laughing, and saying that we haven't had a White Christmas for 20 years.  I hope that all the warmies have a white Christmas.

I have a pool on (with myself) on how long we shall read warmie articles in the Guardian.  Perhaps, for another year.

ps.  I am now tracking the -40 contour.  Can't wait until it hits our area.  I've always said you can't have good winter camping until the temp hits this.  It would hilarious if it hit the warmies.

pps.  We in Toronto are a go for a very heavy White Christmas.  Best ever!  I'll be walking the dog with my snowshoes.  :)

Friday, December 22, 2017

Global Temperatures and Bitcoin

All the papers are going with "This will be your last White Christmas".  Ha!  That's the problem with rising charts that have no physics.  With property, like Toronto, the basic 'physics' is rent income.  When the prices go to 10 times the cost to carry over rent, then you have a problem, and people will say it will go up forever.

With bitcoin, the California guys said it used to cost 10,000 bitcoins for a pizza.  There is no physics here at all.

Finally, we have temperatures.  We are at the end of a classic decades cycle, caused by the fact that El Nino does not remove all the Pacific heat at the end of a 7 year cycle.  However, we have a big 20 or 40 year cycle.  And we have 300 year cycles when the ocean currents invert.  We also have a 150 million year cycle.  And lots of other oceanic cycles.

As well, we have the 10,000 year isostatic movement cycle, when the ice sheets drive down the land.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Linux - Doubling memory doubles speed

Yeah!  My son's mswin gaming machine blew up (4 years old) and I got all the ddr3 memory.  You can't build a new gaming computer with that junk any more.  It needs ddr4 memory, a Ryzen chip, and new graphics card.

My linux computers are fine with that memory.  Anyway, I was processing humongous videos with Handbrake and they would take 30 hours, as I would recompress them to h265.  Now the time is cut in half when I increased the memory from 8 to 16 gigs.  Handbrake uses all the processors, so it must be memory limited. 

All's Cold on the Northern Front

Britain seems to be the last of us to get blustery, wet, cold weather.  It's coming from weak Atlantic plumes, that should give up soon.  Our weak mid-Pacific plumes have all died.  Now we are into very cold weather.

The physics of the plume is very interesting.  First, any injection of one fluid into another forms a plume.  But how does this air get injected like it is coming from a nozzle?  That's atmospheric physics which was killed by fanatic warmies and ozoners.  Nobody on the Guardian com-board can believe such a fantastic conspiracy.  But it really wasn't a conspiracy, it's just that physics is expensive, and talk is cheap.

The warm water currents create the low pressure channel for the strongest air plumes.  They follow the current until they bloom out.  This is happening in the Southern Hemisphere.

The mechanism for ice advances is simple.  There is an ocean current change, all the heat transfer to the north is stopped, and ice builds.  It catches like a forest fire (cold version) when the ice and snow stays all summer.  We are not going into this for another 1000 years or so because the land is still sunk down from the last one.  However, the fundamental physics for this is not being done.

Toronto is going cold and our temperatures track the global charts almost exactly.

ps.  Yeah, a white Christmas, first in a long time.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Mid-Atlantic plume warms Britain

Both Toronto and Britain are being warmed this week by what I call 'Bitcoin Plumes', plumes of no intrinsic value.  :)  That is, they are going over cold water and are a bit of a puff.  We'll take it, however.

During normal times, the plume to Britain follows the hot water of the Gulf Stream, and contains a lot of heat energy.  At the same time, we are getting both Pacific and Gulf air.  Now, it's weird.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Ontario Cannabis Act


This really the best we can do right now.  I am hoping they will eventually relax things on high-cbd cannabis and products.  High thc cannabis should be controlled and the money used for education.  I've seen it burn out too many brains.

In fact, it's time to do all drugs this way.  Again, the money should be used for treatment and education.  We could go back to pure, natural, heroin.  Ecstasy, and LSD on the counter.  Magic mushrooms to the right, cocaine to the left.  Of course, no Canadian could ever cross the US border, but what the heck.

I'm sure drug-pushers add the stuff that makes things extra-addictive.  It's only business.  But if we had all the pure stuff available, it might not be that bad.

ps.  HIgh cbd is easy to grow, so we aren't dependent on a monopoly.  In February, I'll start the tutorial, so they are ready by July 1.  :)

Canada Causes Gulf Stream Brexit


British plough last used in 1980

Our very cold Arctic water has now reached the Gulf Stream.  For the last month or so, it was just toying with the idea.  I haven't seen this since these current maps came out.  Now it's a battle for supremacy, cold vs. hot.  Who will win?  In any case, the GS is greatly reduced and is not providing any heat for the warmies in Britain.

Being Canadian, I think the cold will win and fold up the GS like an accordion.  I particularly wish the University of Leeds to freeze up like Popsicle.  They led the whole warmie thing, with the vicious emails.

ps.  the big winds right now are just the transition.  Now that carbon worship has failed spectacularly we can give up solar and wind power (no sun, no wind).  We can go for methanol fuel cell hybrid cars which are best for the cold.  In the US, they have to figure out how to frack for gas without injecting fresh water in Oklahoma.  In Leeds, they can burn their old papers for warmth.  :)

pps.  from the early emails - "If this turns out to be a natural cycle, they'll crucify us."  Ha ha!

even more:  I found the temp chart.  The cold spear will dive in deeper.  All warm water will get cut off.

Monday, December 11, 2017

New Jobs for Climate Scientists

I am now being very kind to the warmies in the Gard.  They don't respond to anything any more.  Like I said, they may be all frozen.  However, in the event that a few survive by hiding in the university basement, I am making up a list for jobs.


-former English Majors who went into this life because it was a good living.
-can't do physics if it hit them on the head
-can't do math
-very good at bludgeoning people in the media and on email
-excellent at semantics for introducing new terms such as 'denier'.
-excellent making 'ad hoc' explanations on the fly, such as 'oceans gobbling all the heat'

Possible Jobs

-bitcoin promoter -- "It will keep going up until it destroys the world economy'
-ocean doomer -- "Plastics will kill us all"
-back to the 70's ozone doomers "The hole will expand and give us all cancer"
-back to peak oil doomers "We'll run out of oil", or food, or copper.

In short, there are lots of jobs.  Soon, universities, those masters of expediency, will be promoting atmospheric physics to desperately attract students.  However, they will have to deal with the remaining tenure walking-dead warmie bodies.  They could send them out for a walk.  :)

Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Dogs of Physics are Rising


Dolomites resorts have had to rely on snow machines since the 1980s, but now nature has finally done the job.

... and the dogs are going to gnaw on the bones of frozen warmies.  A month ago I stated in the Gard that it was going to get real cold.  They said I was nuts and it would always get warmer.  They refused to buy good winter coats!  Now, they are all frozen in snowdrifts, and food for the wolves. 

The browbeaten dogs of Physics should be coming out soon and devouring  them.  All the warmies had was 'The Trend' and now it has let them down.  Sad. 


Hundreds of schools to shut on Monday as more travel disruption likely.

However, those crazy Euries with their diesel cars are going to have trouble.  And the kids will have to learn physics out in the snow. 

Perhaps they have electric cars?  My son can't even cross the city in his, in the winter.  No more scarfing down our food.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Alberta Clipper to Hit Toronto

This is relatively weak compared to the ones we've had before.  Nevertheless, we have a Pacific plume coming up to Alaska and then coming down to us in Toronto.  It should give us a little bit of snow.  There are no strong ocean currents to support this, but it's happening anyway.  I suppose it was too much to think they aren't going to happen with the absence of the North Pacific Current.  I'm still looking at the Gulf Stream, and it looks threatened by the cold Arctic flow.  England should enjoy very cold weather now.  No wonder Megan is heading for Aussie-land.  :)

ps.  Britain goes back to Jane Austen winters.

Starving Polar Bear

Don't forget to goog 'Starving Polar Bear' before you go all warmie on us.  In previous reincarnations of this picture, it was pointed out by a bear expert that's how all bears die of old age.  I'm sure he was attacked enough times by the warmies that he keeps his mouth shut now.

When they show this junk, the hidden assumption is that this would be a young, healthy bear, had there been a little more ice.  The warmies never bring out their hidden assumptions.

Anyway, the ice is building up again as we relive our 50's 60's 70's 80's temperature cycle again.  Have fun in the 70's!  I always liked disco.  :)

Linux Zoneminder

A new update caused me endless problems.  After many hours I found:

That's the same camera I've got. It works well.
ZM_PATH_ZMS is relative to your webroot. It cannot be an absolute folder path.
Change it to /cgi-bin/nph-zms

Linux - Video stabilization

I used to put the dance recital videos up on utube and then use their stabilization.  You always have some shakes when you record.  I never really worried about it because the post-processing is so good.  No real need for a tripod.

However, the aggressive hollywood weinsteins have banned all background music on the tube.  You can't show any dance any more, even when there are performance licenses.  And you can't really challenge them and live.

The instructions are here.  However, I found that you have to get rid of your Debian ffmpeg in order to use the deb.multmedia version.  This screwed up my Zoneminder.  Also, Debian makes it very difficult to put on deb.multmedia. org.  I used to do it all the time, but now I went through the long procedure.

And Google Photos takes hours to process a video.  Yuck, but the results are the same or better than utubby.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Toronto Real Estate Frozen for the Winter

As we ease into 'that 70's show' for the weather, the prices slowly die.  All the distressed houses in the neighbourhood have gone off the market.  No sales.  I suppose they are hopeful for the Spring, but there is no hope.  Total market money, sales times price, is probably as low as it can get.  All the hot money has gone to bittcoins.  Short term rentals are banned, so this plunges things further.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Canada is attacked again by the Windsor Hum


I've written a lot on the hum, seeing that it is closely related to earthquake effects.  These people are located on a 'drumming sediment', which resonates exactly with the frequency of the mysterious steel plant in Michigan.

This is rich, considering that Michigan is always bitching about our nuclear waste in the world's worst rock.

There is probably no resolution to this issue.  Wait until these guys get a real earthquake!  They really need a seismic noise test done by someone with brains.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Global Temperatures Falling Again

I knew the results of this chart before it came out.  That's because Toronto temperatures follow it exactly.  September and October had a big rise because of weird interactions with the cold and Atlantic heat.  Now we are back to what the physics says.

They are late again with the Arctic ice volume, but it should track this chart.  The physics shows there is no heat anywhere, so we go down.  I think this is like the 60's - lots of variability, and then we hit the 70's.  In 2 months we go below the line, 3 months and we hit the bottom of the chart.

ps.  However, the Arctic ice volume is just following the general trend for the season.  I'm still expecting it to cut in a bit more, like it did during our miserable summer.  However, with everything up there at 30 below, I suspect there is a maximum rate issue.  The physics will drive everything back to the 70's and the polar bears will dance on the ice and drink their cokes.  :)

pps.  oh, and natural gas has hit a new bottom, which shows what I know about people. 

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Apple Steals Your Face


This is interesting.  Apple is selling a micro-map of your face.  Next they will be selling your iris and retina patterns.  With fingers, you got 10 of them.  No so for your face.  This will just ensure your face becomes useless for unlocking.

For the Internet I use a strong password generator, running on javascript so it is never transmitted on the air.  Then I use two-factor for Google, and I have Mr. Google store the passwords.  Don't use your face as a password for everything, and don't use ilovelucy as a password for everything.

Return of the Ice Fogs to Toronto

Pea soup this morning.  These were common in my youth. They are caused by the lack of any warm air plumes pushing the stuff away.  They were always so bad in the 60's and 70's that the airport and anything north was totally cut off.  I was going on a car trip to cut a Christmas tree, but now that is not on the table.

I really can't remember all the other weather conditions of those by-gone years, but I'm sure we'll be seeing them soon.

ps.  I just went for a walk with the dog.  OMG, the stuff just goes through you.  This was all thrown out of my memory a long time ago.  Now, the solar and wind people will get to know the real Ontario.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

World Temperatures Plunge - Volcano to be Icing on the Cake


I just want to get this in before the warmies blame all the cold on the volcano.  It's just like the people blaming the death of the dinosaurs on a meteorite, or whatever.  The dinos were dying of cold a long time before any event.  It's plate tectonics, and it causes huge temperature cycles of a few hundred million years.  Right now we are headed towards the minimum, very slowly.

Next week I'll add the world temperature chart, and the ice volume chart.  Maybe they won't be what I expect.  That would be a bummer.  :)

If you actually follow physics, you would notice that world temperatures are only affected by tropical volcanoes.  The Iceland volcanoes only kill Europe, and Mt. St. Helens didn't do anything.  There was also a huge South American volcano - nada.   That's because the world only gets net solar heat at the equator.  The poles shed all their solar heat at the end of the day.  Rock and ice don't hold much heat.  And clear air convection is a powerful thing. (Warmies deny it)

So, a tropical volcano spreads the particulates all over the equatorial belt.  The net heat build-up is drastically reduced, and we freeze.  This volcano hasn't gone ballistic yet, but it could.  It could also just die down again. 


Friday, December 1, 2017

Shopping Cart Rustlers Hit Toronto

My favourite supermarket is in the sleaziest plaza in Toronto, slated for demolition.  They had tons of old carts that still used quarters.  Now, every cart is gone.  They don't have the brightest at stores due to close, so everybody was complaining, and the staff had quizzical brows.  It will probably be another day before they call the police.

Such a plaza would never have video cameras, so the rustlers have probably already packed their container for Nigeria.  I would think they would make a few thousand on it.

The main media will finally have this story in another week or two, after more stores have been hit.

This is not fake news, nobody could make this up.  :)

ps.  Saturday morning, the busiest time, and all the old ladies are waiting in the cold, at the return spots.  It's a real pity.