Friday, April 20, 2018

Detroit and Windsor Earthquake

A deep thrust earthquake felt over a large area.  M4, intensity 4.  We must allow this to be a natural earthquake, they do happen sometimes.  This is the Grenville Front, which runs under the Bruce Nuclear Waste Thing.  I can't imagine what would happen, should anybody decide to inject natgas frack waste.  :)

For those interested, you can look up my endless posts on our wonderful megathrusts.

ps.  a plot of 'my' seismometers

and the spread of earthquakes

pps.  This also goes along with my conjecture that the strain field from large Oklahoma earthquakes is enough to activate large earthquakes here.  It happened after New Madrid, and I'm thinking of a devastating m7 on the Hamilton fault.

more:  for now, on my vlog, I'm calling this an injection earthquake, unless proven otherwise.  Always assume guilt before innocence.  :)

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