Thursday, April 1, 2010

New Plug: Scanning Electron Microscope

Once again I'm being a shill for nothing... The boys at ASPEX want me to plug this.

As usual, since my blog is so massively popular, this will bump them up on the charts. But, they have a deal to make it interesting! If you send in a sample, they will scan it and make you famous! It could be the bug you found in your sandwich, or the strange green fuzz in your fridge! Whatever!

I was thinking I would dig up a sample of Queenston Shale, and show the microstructure that cost OPG extra billions for the Niagara Tunnel! But then I thought, that seems like work! So, nah......


wordfalling said...

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wordfalling said...

Ohhhh... their marketing department noticed the company name is ASPEX and decided to capitalize the X in all their products.

Being (hopefully formerly being) in the marketing industry I want to go smack whomever came up with that across the face with that with a dildo. Those are often marketed with capital X's as well.

Harold Asmis said...

This is a good study in marketing. Who are the people likely to buy an SEM? It really is yesterday's technology unless it is now following a computer curve and becoming very cheap. An SEM for everybody!

But I remember that sample preparation is very expensive.

crf said...

Their website says they want samples.

Did you send them one?

Harold Asmis said...

No, I'm too busy looking for jumping fishies!