Monday, October 5, 2009

Bloggers Must Disclose Freebies


This is my statement:

Much to my regret, I have never received any freebies with this blog. Sure, I hustle for a few pennies on my ads, but less than 1% ever click on them! My readers never spend any money! They're so cheap, their keyboard squeak!

Sure I should have got a freebie from the barrel sauna guy, since I had a couple of thousand hits on my utube video, and brought him business, but did I? No! And I've been expecting a bribe from the Major Powers to keep me quiet on all their screw-ups, but they aren't smart enough for that! Once in a while, I have really laid into some companies who have pissed me off, but I only got the service they should have given me.

The day I do get a freebie, I'll let you know! Meanwhile, Hello MS! I'm here!

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