Sunday, October 19, 2008

Rotor-Droppers on the Block Again

I've written so many times that AECL is going to be sold off, that I should cast some boilerplate. At least with the Conservative win, we've got Lunn some more. The poor US will lose Palin Nov 4, but Lunn carries on!

Anyway, they're all waiting for Ontario, to see if they go against all sense and reason, and boost the sale price of AECL. I hope they get a good kickback, since I know they're going to do it! If they don't do it, they make a liar out of OPG, who says they can get 4 reactors on the Darlington postage stamp.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sir, I must protest at your inference to the culpability of AECL in the rotor-dropping incident. There is obviously a higher power at work, since these precision rotors were hand-crafted in Germany, loaded on to a horse-cart, pulled by donkeys up a quaint canal, loaded on to a mighty steamer, only to be dropped as soon as they hit Canada. To drag the Harper Government, and AECL into this morass of incompetence, is simply unfair.