Monday, March 3, 2008

Prep thinking begins in Alberta

Hey, they're really starting to think of the implications of new nuclear in Alberta. This is a very good article of what is required.

Pay attention to the fact that Peace River is already sprucing up to receive the new people. After this winter in Toronto I might think about retiring there (not!). Anyway, I can't think it's any worse than Bruce.

I was surprised to learn that Bruce submitted their environmental assessment for the new build. I would seriously like to read it for a laugh, if anybody can cough up a copy. You might have to enter a dark building, after being strip-searched, but take one for the gipper! Maybe it's on Wikileaks!


Anonymous said...

And if they use the waste heat to provide hvac to the town folk for free then they may really have something.

Harold Asmis said...

Yes, it will become a tropical paradise!

Anonymous said...

No, Bruce Power haven't submitted their EA yet. The process is just getting under way with a review panel set up and intervenor funding approved. Learn all about it at the CEAR website, project no. 07-05-25738.

Harold Asmis said...

I'm pretty sure you're talking about the waste repository party. I've seen some of that. I'm looking for the new nuclear plant EA, and where the heck they plan to put it!

Anonymous said...

Getting workers and their families to relocate to small cities is one thing, and of course the relocation costs associated with their move is huge. I doubt they've considered any of these costs when they've come up with the estimated cost to construct.

Maybe someone should ask AECL how many months...years it takes to hire and move someone to Chalk River. And what their turnover rate for those who end up leaving.

Boon-doggle in the making.