Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mud flies, Multi-Culture Minister Becomes Nuclear Expert

This article came up yesterday. Nothing has shown up about whether this meeting actually took place, or whether Lunn has lifted his rock.

Harper continues his attack on Keen through intermediaries that should be looking at folk festivals. Not that she doesn't deserve it, but there are a lot of kettles and pots talking about soot. I'm waiting for this 'special investigator' to show up!

As I just said in a comment, I think the effect on the CNSC, of appointing Keen was the same as if Conrad or Barbara were appointed instead. You'll notice that all of her recent defence revolves around her, and how she has been so abused. Conrad always did the same with his libel suits. There is no mention of the effects on the organization or staff. I am confident that during her reign at the CNSC she acted the same way. I witnessed what happened.

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