Friday, October 19, 2007

California weirdo Field Act

It must be a royal pain that you have a building all designed, and then somebody comes along, and says it has to be designed to a very old, 1930's building code. California truly needs a general building code, with importance factors for various classes of buildings. But really, a good code (such as Canada's) ensures that there will be no loss of life in public buildings. After all, those little kiddies spend most of their lives at the mall, and home!

Patchwork building codes never did anybody any favours.


Anonymous said...

The law dates to the 1930's but not the building code. The law states that all "school buildings" must be designed to special standards. The issue was interpretation of whether this was a "school building" or not, by the legal definition.

CA has a unified statewide building code and has for years. I don't know how it compares to Canada's, but it is quite standard as far as the US goes.

Harold Asmis said...

I know, but the act has had it's day, just like a lot of US cruft from the activist 30's. If you design an outhouse, and suddenly you find school kids are going to use it, then you are sent back in time, and the lawyers come.